
Friday 17 July 2015


I know more than most that you get good days and you get bad days. I'm also old enough to know that a bad day will be followed by a good day and often vice versa. But what is new today is the feeling of complete and utter defeat. That feeling I'm unfamiliar with.

Today I'm throwing up my hands in defeat. I give up. And I can thank the medical profession for this, because today one of their own broke me.

Now you don't go to a mechanic and tell them how to fix your car, so you wouldn't go to a medical specialist and tell him how to fix you. But the mechanic listens when you tell him what's wrong with your car and what you think may have caused it. He doesn't dismiss your questions or your comments or pretend to know how to fix your sports car when he's not worked on one before. Not all medical practitioners do that. Somewhere along the line, some become overwhelmed by their own importance and forget that a basic tenet of the Hippocratic oath is to serve. "And I will use treatments for the benefit of the ill in accordance with my ability and my judgment, but from what is to their harm and injustice I will keep them." An overview of the oath is at if anyone would like to read about it.

Well here is a list of what harms me and has harmed me. Here is a list of what makes my load heavier than normal to carry:

  1. When I come to some of you I'm scared. You harm me when your overbearing manner adds to my fear.
  2. When I come to you and I need to share, and you cut me down you harm me again.
  3. When you pre-judge my condition based on the extra weight I'm carrying this is an injustice.
  4. When you're not sure about my condition, say so. I don't mind that you don't know. But I do know and I have some ideas to help you serve me to the best of your ability. If you don't let me do so, this again is an injustice.
  5. When I have to pretty much raise my hand to speak, because your constant stream of words never ends, I feel belittled, humiliated and beaten.
  6. When this condition sucks the life out of me and you drain what's left, I'm quite simply defeated.

The same doctor once said to me ( speaking about himself of course) that sleep is a good healer. Well I'm off to sleep and tomorrow I will re - group if I feel healed. At the moment I just feel defeated.

Till next

PS - on the countdown till my first ever book is released. Please consider supporting me by clicking on the following link:


  1. Sorry to hear about your bad experiences...getting help from the medical profession can be so frustrating and hit-and-miss. I''ve had some awful experiences trying to receive counselling for depression.

    Don't let the experience dishearten you though and I hope you receive adequate medical support soon. And the doctor's right, sometimes sleeping things off helps tremendously lol.

    - Lubna

    The Digital Review

    1. There's no problem getting support. It's the manner with which its delivered which is do wrong. thank you for reading

  2. So sorry that you have experienced this and are feeling defeated. Maybe think about making an official complaint if you have the energy. I'm sending you my best wishes and hope that tomorrow is a better day than today. Xx

    1. Today is a better day and I will just go through the motions and maybe change doctors if the poor treatment continues.

  3. So sorry to hear you are feeling defeated. I hope tomorrow really is a better day.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I appreciate it x

  4. I've had thyroid disease for decades. So I can relate. I hope it gets better for you.

  5. P.S. I love the name of your blog.

    1. I have a book based on my blog being published by Amazon for kindle on August 31. It's called ONE LUMP OR TWO? It may interest you xxxxST

  6. Dear S

    Doctors come in different shapes and sizes. There are those who are technically good and have good bed-side manners, there are those who are technically good but have poor bed-side manners, there are those who are technically poor and have good bed-side manners (charm the pants off you) and there are those who are technically poor and have poor bedside manners. Except for the first category, all others have a lot to learn. Some should not be in the medical profession at all. Hippocrates would be turning in his grave if he only knew how bad some are.

    From a doctor

    1. Thank you for your words. Yes I agree Hippocrates would be turning in his grave. Nobody should have to leave an appointment feeling like I did the other day.

  7. Sorry you had to go through that! I have a similar experience almost every time I go to the doctor and it's frustrating!

    1. Shouldn't be like that at all. I hope it gets better for you.

  8. Uff, that is so incredibly frustrating. I am so selective about medical professionals in my life, because I just can't take someone who doesn't listen to me! You know your body better than anyone. You are familiar with your condition. You have a voice!

  9. That is extremely frustrating. You will be lifted up in my prayers and I hope you feel better soon.

  10. Oh my, that must be the most frustrating thing to go through! I hope everything gets better for you!

  11. I'm sorry you felt so bad and doctors can sometimes not have a very good bedside manner. Thank you for sharing your experience at #anythinggoes and you have support from this group.

  12. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through this. I hope things start to get better for you.


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