
Thursday 19 June 2014

#*%%#**%##% OF A WEEK

My friend Dave is a colourful Australian character, with matching colourful language guaranteed to make the hairs stand up on your head. He has a unique way of looking at things and calls a spade a spade, albeit in words which no censor would pass.

If I had to get Dave to describe this week it would go something like this #*}%+€#*##!*!!! And that's about it in a nutshell. It's been one of those weeks.

I returned home for a few days rest and left the FED ( favourite eldest daughter) in the big city to rest too. She seemed fine. She honestly did. Surgery was planned for the beginning of August and all she needed was to rest and recuperate from her last ordeal.

I kept tabs on her all week (social media is good for that), but could see as the week progressed she was sounding more and more unwell. So like all good mothers everywhere I flew back.

In the meantime her sister took her to see a GP who gave her a course of vitamins to strengthen her. The girl has had nine neurological procedures in twelve months and the best the woman could come up with was vitamins. Honestly!

I took one look at my daughter, threw her in the car and took her back to hospital where the doctors have a whole brain each, not half a brain like Dr Vitamins.

Test after test after test.

Doctors who know her well.

Even the MRI people know her on sight.

We're back.

I will never cease to be amused by the characters in emergency.

Doctor - can you tell me what happened?
Patient - well he threw the first punch but I got him back a beauty


Doctor - Why isn't your husband taking his pills?
Italian wife - cos he no like them
Doctor - he won't get better if he doesn't take his pills.
Italian wife - s'no good. You find him something else
Doctor - there is nothing else.  
Italian wife - those no good him. You change.


Nursie, nursie, nursie ( in increasing loudness to screaming volume).        

" Your opinion please Dave..."
" f**** lowlife&$?@&$ dumbarse ...*#*#*"

And so we are on the ward and I'm sitting watching my girl sleep. She is tired, very tired. I watch her closely feeling so, so helpless.
Hurry up doctors. Read those tests and DO SOMETHING.

And finally a phone call arrives to the nursing desk instructing them to prepare her for theatre tomorrow. My heart sinks. It is all too much.


Till next

1 comment:

  1. Its good to hear your sense of humour even when the chips are down but hopefully all will be well soon. Love, thoughts and prayers for you all...SIL MM


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