
Wednesday, 28 September 2016


This has been the longest and coldest winter in memory. I'm sure there's some good scientific reason for this, but I'm past caring and just want it to end. Everywhere you go people are whinging about the weather, because it is almost October and normally everyone would be in short sleeves by now. But obviously not this year. So here I am with jumper, jeans, boots and hot mug of coffee and not a bit of sun all day. It's positively un- Australian to have winter go on for so long.

In the search for warmth, last week my husband and I finally got to take the holiday we missed out on last December when I was ill. Western Australia ( home of the never ending winter) is 3 1/2 hours away from Bali, Indonesia ( home of sun, warmth, swimming, cheap cocktails and scrumptious food). It actually is so close it's ridiculous! When we stepped out of the plane the heat hit us straight in the face. It was fabulous and my body warmed instantly.

There is something magic about Bali. I have been three times now and each time I have come away a better person. It's the people who do it to me. They are so humble and so happy. When you say hello to a Balinese person, their face lights up with joy and they reciprocate warmly. One lady told me the secret to happiness is to be grateful and enjoy what she has. She never wishes for more or aspires to have more, she simply enjoys what she has. That's one hell of a lesson!

Another lovely lady by the name of Ayu told me the Balinese are happier than Australians because they take their time. She said Australians are in too much of a rush and walk too fast. She also said the proper way is to walk gently, stop, have a look, walk some more, stop, have a chat and repeat. Apparently, you get there...when you get there! I love it!

Our hotel in Bali

Bali really is an exercise in humility and learning to appreciate what you have. I met people who earn less in a month than what I can earn in a day. But, they are happy and just grateful to have a job. I learnt that most young people get jobs to support the family income, not buy the latest " must have" item. They travel on their scooters in bad traffic and sometimes torrential rain. They get wet from head to toe and still offer to get you another drink with a genuine smile on their face. Yes, it did me good to hang around these people for a while.

On one occasion I was sitting in a spa having a foot massage. After half an hour of pure bliss, I was told that to balance out ( so I didn't fall over apparently), my shoulders and back needed a quick massage. They got no complaints from me!  My tshirt was whipped off in record time and I sat with my back to her listening to the sudden flurry of chatter with her boss. I asked if there was a problem and she asked me what the scars on my back ( breast reconstruction scars) were. I immediately tensed up and sensing that, she reassured me everything was ok. I don't know what I was thinking but possibly the thought crossed my mind that she wouldn't want to touch me. Maybe I was seen as being diseased.

What they were actually doing was discussing the best natural treatments for me to have better health. Some I had not heard of but celery tea and pomegranate leaf tea are apparently amazing traditional treatments they swear by as well as coconut water (which I think I'll give a big miss to because coconut and I dont get on). The point for me was that these women were completely concerned about my welfare. They could have made more money off me with their advice but they didn't. And that's how it was pretty much everywhere. In another spot, another woman, noticing I had an allergy rash on my arms disappeared into the kitchen and came back with a tube of something she started rubbing on me. It was coconut oil and again apparently it works wonders if the person you're rubbing it in isn't also allergic to coconut! I was overwhelmed by the kindness regardless.

Hope the post Bali glow continues for a while. Lots of lessons in slowing down and being nice to each other have been learnt.

Till next


  1. Wow, Bali does sound nice and I'm glad you feel connected to it like that. As you mentioned, people are often too rushed to care, to talk, to smile, etc. Hopefully one day I can go to Bali :) Thanks for sharing with us at Funtastic Friday

  2. Thanks for this beautiful post and sharing the culture and blessing of your visit to Bali.
    Bloggers Pit Stop

    1. Finally got there Kathleen after a hellish year.

  3. Ahhhh beautiful Bali, we went on honeymoon there, we stayed in Ubud and then Seminyak, it was incredible. Thanks for linking up to the #bestandworst hope you'll stop by again!

    1. So you get what I mean. Awesome place for a honeymoon.

  4. I have never been to Bali but I agree it was a cold winter here in NSW too. I am glad you have been cared for so very well. I wish you well too. It sounds like your life is incredibly challenging. Thank you for linking up to my blog for Life This Week 4. Denyse

  5. That sounds like such a great holiday. I used to live in WA but never went to Bali, which seems a shame now, it sounds like a really relaxing place.

  6. Bali looks so relaxing. I visited in 1995 so a long time ago now. You look relaxed and happy.


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