
Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 10. Show all posts

Monday, 2 May 2016


Making a decision to return to the workforce can be surprisingly easy, but actually returning to the
workforce and surviving...well that's another story altogether. This year, after an extended absence from paid work due to health issues, I returned to teaching. Here are my top tips for how I managed to do this successfully. 
  1. Make a decision by weighing up the pros and cons. If like me you are getting tired of your own company and your bank balance is on a permanently critical level, this won't be too hard a decision to make. Once you decide one way or another, move on. Don't drive your friends and family mad with " should I" and " should I not".
  2. Once your decision is made treat yourself to some new clothes. I bought a few new items that I could mix and match to make a number of outfits. There was an obvious monetary expenditure involved, but it was worth it to feel professional and ready for action. I also bought some bright coloured items because they keep my mood uplifted and I've always believed students react positively to teachers wearing bright clothes.
  3. If you can afford it, treat yourself to a hairdresser. Have a colour, a trim or whatever you need that fits in with your budget. It's another way of being professional and ready for action.
  4. Get organised. My first few days I was diving into my bag for a pen or highlighter. It's too hard really to function like this in a classroom, so I bought a pencil case and got organised and now things are much better. I also bought a big tote bag to carry everything in from classroom to classroom. This is much better than trying to carry heaps in your hands.
  5. If like me you will be on your feet for most of the day, invest in the most comfortable shoes you can afford. Trust me on this. (OK, the boots I bought were not strictly speaking necessary, but my husband did ask me if I wanted something for Mother's day. That counts right?)
    Tired feet - get it?
  6. Prepare your food for the day at home in order to save money. If you must walk into work with coffee, use a travel mug and fill it up at home. You've gone back to work to make money so be careful of squandering it on little things you can do without. Same with lunches. I've started putting a small serve of the previous night's dinner away for lunch the following day. Again if you take food with you to work, you are less likely to head for the work cafeteria or nearby café for your  food. Just one thing I learnt the hard way this week; put your lunch in a fridge at work. Quiche was not really safe to eat once it had sat in my tote bag all day!
  7. If you've been out of work for a while, things may have changed. In my case I have moved from a head of department position to a relief ( substitute) teacher position. That's a big difference. Accept the change and move on. There were good reasons for you being out of the workplace, and you may need to build yourself up to where you were before.
  8. If you've returned to your old workplace, you may find you are a novelty for a while. People ask questions; lots of them! Although in my case it's become a bit tedious, I grit my teeth and bear it. They are just being nice. Some are a bit nosy, but one thing I've learned in my time at home is that lack of company can do my head in. So even the nosy ones I smile at and talk to, because they're company. And here's hoping that I become yesterday's news real soon.
  9. Don't be afraid to ask for help. I have started doing some relief work at a different school to what I was used to. They have a totally different computer system and it totally freaked me out the first day. But I asked for help and within one day I had mastered what I needed to know. Another thing was the brand new photocopier machines. I am totally scared of these at the best of times, but especially so when the darn thing jammed on me. Just as I was about to find someone to help, I worked it out. Phew!
  10. Maybe it's because I have been through so much in my life, but at the end of each day I try and focus on something good that has happened each day, to give me the courage to go back another day.
    The something "bad" would be " you're not a real teacher because you don't work here all the time" or "what qualifications do you need to be a real teacher"? The something "good" occurred Friday after I complimented a sixteen year old boy on his work. He looked shocked, so much so the situation was almost awkward. Finally..." that's the first time ever that a teacher has told me my work is good'. Yes folks, that was my feel good moment for the day! Happy student. Happy teacher.
Hope you all have a great week and that if you're returning to work too, some of these tips help! Please feel free to add your tips in the comments.

Till next

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