What a surprise! Anima Choudhury (anima-choudhury.blogspot.com) had nominated me for "The Liebster Award."
What an honour! I had never heard of it before so I've pinched the next bit from Anima's blog to explain to you all.
The Liebster Award originated in Germany. The German word Liebster means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. In short, this award is given to the upcoming promising bloggers who have some worth-reading content and certainly have less than 200 followers as a recognition of their talent and as a way to greet them "welcome". This a small act of inspiration that might change a blogger's whole point of view, just like it changed mine. The Liebster Award is an award for Recognition. You would not get any money, or cup, or medal, or certificate; just a recognition which will give you a spot-light mark in this crowded blogging-market!
Another thing about this award is that this is "Pay it forward" award, like a
chain-reaction. Once you have accepted the award, you have to search for other bloggers, who are emerging as new buds with some really promising content which you find worth reading. You can accept it, or you can let it go; no harm done. Still, I want to say that it might make someone else's day if you would accept it. However, if you want to accept The Liebster Award, you have to follow six simple rules which are:

I have said this before, I'm always amazed that people read my blog so to have someone acknowledge it in this way is such an honour! To get it at the start of a New Year is a good omen...fingers crossed.
Ok...let's play the game!
11 Random Facts About Myself
- I was born in England but live in Australia. My parents are Maltese.
- My greatest wish is to be a perfect weight and to speak Italian fluently.
- When I read a good book, I like to finish it in one sitting.
- My favourite foods are all the ones I shouldn't eat.
- I have seven sisters in law.
- If I could have one wish it would be to have my dog Harry back.
- My greatest achievements are my children
- I make a mean apple pie
- I am really an emotional weakling - if you hurt me I bruise and bleed.
- I am very dissatisfied with my life at the moment and its upsetting me.
My questions to answer
- Are you passionate about blogging? - yes I am, probably almost getting obsessive because I have far too much time on my hands at the moment.
- Where do you want to see yourself in next 10 year? I want to be financially secure and I want to be happy in the job I am doing. I want to be well travelled.
- What is the source of your motivation? My motivation comes from my family and the situations we go through. I'm also a high achiever. I like to keep busy and being busy keeps me motivated.
- What is the color of your eyes? brown
- What is the motto of your life? when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
- What is your favorite book, and why? Too hard a question to answer. I love books - the words, the covers, the feel of them
- Pizza or Wine? - pizza hands down
- What is your dream-place you always wanted to visit? I have always
- wanted to travel to Italy and start at the top and work down the country, taking my time and learning the language as i go.
- What is the worst fear of your life? My worst fear is that someone I love will die.
- Do you think a blogger can make a change to this world? Change happens one person at a time - so yes!
- Do you believe? or You think that humanity is going to nowhere? - I think we are losing some fundamentals of being a community. I dont think we're going nowhere...yet
1.Hannah Heath
2. Olivia's Catastrophe
3. The Keyboard Talk
4. A Geek and a teacher
5. My wife makes
6. Life.Love.Beauty.Paradise.
7.Amiey Laureen
8. Learning to love yourself
9.Keeping it real with Maureen Millier
10. Mom script
11. Adventurous Ruchi
1. Where are you from and what's the weather like?
2. Why blogging?
3. Who is your greatest writing inspiration?
4. What is the story behind your blog title?
5. What is your favourite ICECREAM flavour?
6. What do you know about Australia?
7. If you had one writing wish granted, what would you ask for?
8. Who would you invite to write an intro to your best seller?
9. What is the best gift you ever received?
10. What is the best advice you would give someone writing their first blog?
11. What sort of food represents you and why?