Today I am putting in a plug for my first ever book which will be released digitally on August 31. This book means a lot to me because writing it has helped me keep my sanity during some very problematic years.
ONE LUMP OR TWO? is available for pre-order now by clicking the link below. Please consider supporting me and my efforts, to advocate for the genetic condition my daughter, some friends and I all live with. Cowden's syndrome is largely unknown and I hope in my small way to increase awareness of this condition.
Here is the very lengthy link :
Now onto tonight's post:
Blogging has opened up many doors for me. Recently, I have had the privilege of writing for many online magazines which I have shared on my social media accounts. It gives me such a buzz to see someone else publish my work.
Another advantage of blogging are the friendships you make. When I started blogging, almost two years ago I never expected this and so it has come as a happy surprise two years down the track to find I now have so many new friends all over the world.
The first blogger I ever met from my home state of Western Australia was Jen from the blog Nanna's Wisdom. I was drawn to her wonderful, country style recipes and life and look forward to her posts and link parties every week.
This week I am delighted to be the guest blogger on Nanna's Wisdom. Please click on the link below to take you to this post and Jen's wonderful blog.I'm sure you will be signing up for regular updates too. Jen will in turn be my guest on this blog next week and i know she has something really interesting up her sleeve.
Till next ST