To manage my impatience, I have had to figure out new ways of entertaining myself while I wait. People watching is loads of fun . People watching in coffee shops is the best and I am proud to say I have become an excellent voyeur and eavesdropper while innocently drinking a long black or two.
While waiting for an appointment last Thursday the F.E.D and I went to coffee at an exclusive cafe in Mt Fairmont. Mt Fairmont is an affluent area with lots of nice cars, well put together people (especially yummy mummies) and lots of toddlers dressed in designer outfits. There is no sense of urgency here, unless of course a fingernail breaks.
One yummy mummy entered the cafe dressed in the traditional Mt Fairmont attire - gym pants, runners and attitude. Couture toddler was by her side demanding a babycino. I almost spilled my coffee at this request and only restrained myself from laughing out loud, because the F.E.D was giving me her "don't you dare embarrass me" look. The yummy mummy was soon accompanied by a carbon copy friend and another toddler. Two babycinos and biscuits were bought and both mummies settled in to sharing their news of friends, workouts and social events while drinking water. Neither ate a crumb. The yummy mummy, I have discovered, does not eat in public.
"I want a babycino" |
This mummy however does eat in public, and she and the F.E.D had started to tuck into muffins and coffee with gusto, while eavesdropping. I was however momentarily floored when I realised that we were the only female adults eating in the entire cafe. We were also the only female adults over a size 6. Oh the dilemma! To fit in and pretend the blueberry chocolate muffins had mistakenly ended up on our table or to eat surreptitiously? Eating in the name of waiting won hands down! I am weak in character while I am waiting. Actually I am weak in character period ,when challenged by chocolate.
We have the same species over here too
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