
Friday, 1 November 2013


My youngest sister ( let's call her Gertrude cos that will annoy her ) is engaged to be married to an English guy. He is a likeable character who is generally quite laid back, a characteristic foreign to our loud European family.

In keeping with the occasion, a gathering of the clan has been organised to celebrate. The clan gets bigger all the time with ages ranging from almost 75 down to 6. The 6 year old gets to join in because there is nobody left to babysit her  and because she has scored the plum role of flower girl, in the upcoming wedding, ON HER BIRTHDAY!!

For a 6 year old my niece has a sharp mind and a strong sense of justice. I suggested that as being flower girl was such a great present we didn't have to buy her anything else this year. She gave me a look that made me cringe and said " I don't think so". It has taken me twenty years of teaching to develop a look like that  and here it was, being used upon me by a six year old!!

The supporting female roles are being played by the F.E.D and another sister. I was asked to audition for the role but decided that the world did not need another star of my calibre.

And of course the leading lady is Gertrude. Gertrude used to be a wedding planner so she rustled up this baby in twenty four hours flat. Dresses, venue, celebrant, cake were all organised in record time. Not a problem in sight.Or so she thought!

Enter the first problem. Costumes for supporting actresses are ready, but don't fit well across their buxom chests. Gertrude does not like problems and transforms into Bridezilla. It's a scary moment and one that will be fixed, unless the dressmaker has a death wish.

The clan gathering will be noisy with everyone talking over each other solving world and family issues. People will  think we are yelling  at each other but it's just our way!!! We are not laid back, we are loud. My new brother in law is both laid back and loud. He will have no trouble fitting in.

Happy engagement to you both. May your life be filled with every joy and happiness. xx

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