At the moment teaching seems like something I used to do in another life. I miss being in a classroom but the decision to put teaching on hold to be with my daughter is a good one. Waiting for appointments and procedures can be draining and its good to have someone wait with you. And wait we have, so much so that my FED has shed a few tears of exasperation in recent times. It breaks my heart to see my beautiful daughter like this so the husband and I have come up with a plan to cheer her up. We are sending her to the other side of the country for a little holiday and some retail therapy. She is excited, delighted and packed in record time. Finally after months I see a genuinely happy smile.
My other daughter has an audition on Monday and the queen of procrastination is supposedly rehearsing lines for it. I am occasionally summonsed to help her majesty. Its Shakespeare and I'm loving Helena from Midsummer Nights Dream. She is both sarcastic and calculating in her plan to trap her man . I find myself wishing I was a bit like Helena instead of so nice. Nice is boring and lately has not served me well, hence the grumpy mood.
On the other hand I read the following recently: “My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you've been mean to someone, they won't believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it's time to stop being nice, then destroy them.” Laurell K. Hamilton, A Stroke of Midnight
I love this quote so much that I'm going to make a list of people to potentially destroy. Let's see: coffee shop ladies who grunt as they serve you and people with "first world" problems go on the list. Anyone who tries to outdo my family experiences (you know the sort, you have a headache, they have a migraine) on the list too. Check out chicks who actually tell you in depth how they are when you ask, anyone who changes the subject when I need to talk about health issues and people who say we'll catch up when you're better, you're all at risk!
The grey clouds lift and my mood slowly improves. I worry about the sort of person I've become when destroying people improves my mood! Looks like we're not going to get a storm after all. Oh well time to go home and find out if Helena gets her man or not! Till next time...
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