Moments of pure quiet are almost unheard of in my life and this one won't last long. The F.E.D is flying home from Melbourne having finished her one woman task of increasing retail sales there. The F.Y.D is auditioning for a course in Perth and the husband is enjoying a much needed day off in the big city with her. All three will be back home tonight when it most certainly will no longer be quiet.
In the meantime I am home with Harry the dog, who is snoring by my feet. And I am thinking quiet thoughts about nothing much in particular, just the silly stuff that occasionally traps itself in my brain. Like for example the acronym YOLO.( I can just see my kids cringing as they read this. This is their language and I will be deemed too old to use it but who cares!!!) YOLO stands for "you only live once" and seems to me to be an excuse to do what so ever one pleases, cos that time will never be regained. Don't argue with me kids. You know I'm right!
If I too could do what I like and not give two hoots about what other people think, I'd have the car ready in record time and get the hell out of here to travel around Australia. I would probably let the husband come cos he's good in an emergency, but not the kids. If I'm only going to live once they're too demanding and too costly and I'd prefer to spend what little money I have on me thanks. Occasionally I might buy the husband a beer especially if he saves us from some sort of natural emergency like a flood or a bush fire or something.
What else would I do with only one life ? Let me see - there would of course have to be no Cowdens, no lumps, no bumps, no doctors, no hospitals, no tests, no waiting. You can't live once and have that come for a ride. Definitely not. No ailments of any description allowed if you only live once. Think of how much time I'd have on my hands and how much money I would have in the bank. And think of a body with all its parts re-instated and not a scar to be seen.
And of course if I only lived once I would want it to be with the wisdom I have now. I would want to see my one chance at life through clear glasses, so that I would do everything properly from the start - eat well, exercise, form good relationships, sleep well etc.
The other night at the outdoor cinema a five year old girl called Lily adopted me and gave me a running commentary on everything and anything except the movie. She was not into Superman at all. She told me that the man close by needed to lose some weight and that he just had to move. She also told me that he had to eat lots of fruit and vegetables like she did. YOLO! This kid has it down pat. How times have changed! At her age I ate what I was given and watched Sesame Street. and I certainly didn't adopt strangers. But at the age of five Lily is far better equipped for living her one life to the full than I ever was.
This is going to be a hard week. Daughter number 2 is off on her world wide adventure ( cue tissues), I have a check up and daughter number 1 prepares for hospital next week .The husband will continue to be the glue that keeps us all together with our heads above water. It will be a while till we are all back together again.
If you only live once then I want a rewind and an opportunity to start again. I'm also suing cos nobody told me early enough that I would only live once.I think the quiet is getting to me. Time to put on some music and dance with the dog. Till next time xxx
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