
Friday 16 May 2014


Its uncomfortable writing blogs in bed especially when you're horizontal and holding your iPad above your head while typing with one finger. But I dare not move yet. Vertigo has struck my body with full force and where once upon a time I thought vertigo was a synonym for dizzy I now know better. Vertigo means a room can spin for minutes at a time. Change position and it starts again. It's like a very cleverly constructed game where nobody is wearing 3D glasses but the effects are the same. Apparently it can be brought on by stress...who me??? In my case it has been brought on by a severe knock to the head which I sustained during a fall at a friends house. You see I haven't got enough ailments so I thought I'd create one more. I am literally a walking disaster area.

So back to the fall. My friend has the worst internet reception known to mankind. While at his house I decided I needed to go outside and sit in the car to complete urgent business on my phone. And that's when I missed a step. I tried to steady myself against his ute but instead banged into it with full force before falling sideways and hitting my head on the concrete. As I fell all I could think about was a news report from the day before about a man who had been punched, hit the concrete and died.

I didn't die ( obviously) but did I tell you it was raining? I lay in the rain and tried to scream but no noise came out of my mouth. Eventually I remembered I had been carrying a phone. I felt for the phone and luckily found it...but I couldn't remember how to use it straight away. Somehow I finally managed to get the husband on the phone. He ran out the door and tripped in the same place! BUT he didn't fall. And that is how he found me lying in the muddied footpath with a giant egg on my bloodied head. And that is why we ended up in the hospital with some low lives till 2am and why I now have vertigo.

It's just another struggle to deal with and it's quite debilitating. The doctor said it will go when it's ready. Great! That's promising. He said it could take hours,days,weeks,months. It's already been two weeks so I'm guessing there's not many options left here.

Ever tried going to the toilet in the middle of the night with vertigo? First you become conscious. Then you become conscious that even with your eyes shut the room is spinning. Then it stops and you sit up. Because you have changed position it starts again and you close your eyes again. Meanwhile you're busting. Finally because your bladder is busting you stagger like a drunk to the toilet. You bang into the door because it has moved and just manage to get enough of your bottom on the toilet to avoid going arse over. After you finally get some relief you realise that you need to get back to bed. You consider sleeping on the toilet to avoid further trips but realise that's not feasible. So you stand up and the room sways. You just make it back to your bed which has moved in the last couple of minutes. Then you close your eyes and sway to sleep. Half an hour later your bladder informs you it needs to go again and the story starts over.        

So I'm going to stop here but I just want to say that life is challenging at the moment and all four of us are feeling it in one way or another. Send some happy thoughts and prayers our way when you have time please!

Till next time xxxx

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