
Tuesday 25 November 2014


I simply refuse to believe that Christmas is four weeks away! But no amount of burying my head in the sand will change the fact that the need to feel festive is once again upon us. At the risk of sounding like Scrooge, grumble, grumble...haven't we just had one?

Obviously not, if the shops are anything to go by.

But let's backtrack a wee bit before getting too immersed in all things Christmas. You may remember in my daughter's last procedure we had a hiccup. We had thyroidgate! Honestly there we were happy in the misguided notion that we were getting somewhere, when suddenly we got a left hook out of nowhere.

Nodules on the thyroid.
Nodules on the thyroid which need investigating.
Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Do not complete destruction of fistula and head directly to endocrinology instead.
You are allowed to swear - I did.

A week later this was followed by a biopsy and a few days later a phone call from Dr HS to tell us the biopsy was benign. He actually emailed us at 8.30pm with the news. I'm presuming that's when he got it himself and I'm polishing his doctor of the year badge as we speak, because he didn't leave us waiting till the endocrinology consult another week later.

Of course we still had to go to a meeting with the thyroid doctor and work out if she was going to require  surgery or not.

The land of endocrinology lies in the previously unchartered E block of the hospital. It took a full five minutes to walk there from the neurology unit, down a dowdy, dark corridor that erupted into a giant waiting room. Luckily we weren't kept waiting for long today. Not that I minded. The nurse on duty was most entertaining bellowing from one side of the room to the other.

And the verdict surgery for now and more monitoring in twelve months. The young doctor finished by saying it would take roughly two weeks for the report to reach Dr HS. took us five minutes to walk here from the neuro unit but it would take two weeks for the report to electronically walk back! Am I the only one who has a problem with this?

So, my ever sensible daughter has made a decision. She's not hanging about waiting for doctors. She's going back to work and she has ordered her father and me to take the holiday we had planned to take. When the paper work has trekked down the corridor, we will regroup and recommence. At this rate we're guessing it could be in the New Year!

No other option really but it is so hard to go on holidays and Christmas shop while this is all unresolved. It's not a little problem, it's a big problem and the impatient part of me ( most of me) does not deal well with waiting under these circumstances.

And don't tell me it's character building because I will hunt you down and go all Scrooge and nasty on you!

Bring on the Christmas shopping!

Till next

1 comment:

  1. My CS stuff started as thyroid issues....waaaaaaaaaaaaay back in the day. But, we didn't know it was CS then. This was 2003ish. I had a huge multi nodular goiter too. What's interesting about nodules and cancer - did they tell you all this? Is that if they do a biopsy they have to get to the EXACT spot where the cancer is in order to find it? It was so frustrating for my family because I was told I didn't have cancer - yet after surgery I DID! Can you believe that? I had the WORST endocrinologist IN THE HISTORY OF THE PLANET and he about kicked me out when he said, "Nope. NO cancer after the biopsy." But, I had surgery anyway because my neck was getting larger by the minute. AND, even during the surgery they said "no cancer" but when they sent it to pathology THAT is when it came back as cancer. 7 mm. papillary.

    I know I'm behind in your blog posts and don't know all the story going on with your (daughter?) - I need to really go back and do a good thorough reading in your posts. I know the CS crowd is getting a bit larger, which makes me very happy. I have connected with a few more women on Twitter. But I don't know them well enough yet to know if they are looking to network.

    I hope to chat with you very soon and I wish all the best for your daughter!


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