I'm convinced its true after reading what an ex (thank goodness) Australian politician has been spouting today. Not to give the dropkick any oxygen I am posting a link to a response from journalist Mia Freedman, from website Mamamia.
Please read what she has to say first. Round of applause to Ms Freedman.
Disgusted? Read on. If you're not disgusted, then I'm sorry for you, because in 2014 nobody should have to defend his or herself against such misinformed dribble.
If you asked ME, Mr Latham, how I got through the last few years, my answer would be almost exactly the same as Ms Pryor. The only difference is I would have said, caffeine, antidepressants, chocolate and the odd bourbon. I would probably have added that staying away from comments like yours, which are only designed to humiliate and embarrass would have been occurring simultaneously. I have long learned to encircle myself with people who raise me up not those whose mission it is to bring myself and others down.
Yes, like Ms Pryor, I too have children. Why do people like me have children in the first place? Let me answer that with another question. Why do sufferers of foot in mouth disease like yourself have them? I'm sure the anger and hurt that this article will generate will harm your children more than mine ever have been in their lives. So, why do YOU have children when its so flipping obvious you suffer from chronic foot in mouth disease? How will your children fare when they find out the trouble Dad has stirred up...just because he can!
Here's the bit that gets me the most! Occurring to Mr Latham, people who take antidepressants are copping out on their responsibilities and that staying home with my children should have been my antidepressant. He also says that popping pills is cowardly and being used as an easy way out, instead of facing up to the responsibilities of adulthood.
Mr Latham, I am 48 and have faced more drama and trauma than you ever will in your life. And Im glad for you because I don't want anyone to go through what Ive been through.
Rather than copping out on my resposibilities, I actually faced them by seeking help when I knew there was a problem. Thats called being responsible not irresponsible. It means that I can function better on this earth and yes...if we're talking about being a better parent, it means that too. Without help from people who understand my condition, I would have simply retreated into my shell, not given my kids the attention they got and probably never attended assemblies, rosters, dance displays and the myriad of other things parents face daily. Sorry to disappoint you Mr Latham but women who seek help are acknowledging they have resposibilities and doing whatever they can to meet them.
Next...please take your head out of the fairytale you are reading and look me in my eyes and tell me with sincerity, that staying home with my children ALL THE TIME should be my antidepressant. Are you for real???
All humans need to be social . Read up on Maslow's hierarchy of needs if you dont know what I mean. They need to mix with their own people. They need to feel useful, use their brains, solve problems etc etc etc. It can't always be with their children. My experience of this is that mothers groups drove me batty. I needed stimulation that did not involve nappies and formula and sleep, all the time. I went back to work part time and bingo in just a couple of days, I felt better about myself.
But you know what I mean...cos you stayed home with your kids.Right? Or was it your wife?
I met a man in the school staff room one day who reprimanded me for doing relief teaching and leaving my kids with a babysitter. He told me that my first duty was to be with my children not the children of others. He essentially told me what you are saying today; that I am a disgrace of a parent and copping out on my responsibilities. He also ( bless him) told me the best part of his day was when he got home and he could smell the cake his wife had baked for him. (Are you feeling guilty yet?)! He could no doubt also hear the joyous, excited voices of his angelic children as they rushed to bring him his slippers and mop his hard worked brow.
Give me a break!
Thumbs down to the Australian Financial Review for printing such a hurtful, innaccurate load of cock a doodle doo. What the hell?
Thumbs down to anyone who thinks that seeking help for mental health issues is a cop out.Quit judging if you're one of these people and seek help immediately for your ego.
Thumbs up for parents who are responsible enough to seek help which enables them to do a better job raising their children. Hopefully if we do a good enough job ( while on medication of course), our children will never disrespect women in the manner they have been today.
Till next time...xxx
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