
Sunday 6 September 2015


Dear Birds outside my window,
I'm not sure if you are aware of the time but it's only 4am and that is way too early to start all of that racket. In fact let me go so far as to say your tweeting has woken me up and I am NOT impressed. Yes I know it's spring and I know it's not so cold anymore but really it's still 4am!!!

Now look what you've done. I am wide awake. Thanks for nothing. Between your noise and someone else's snoring ( points to husband), this is it folks. I am officially awake.

And that's not really such a good idea because at 4 am I have the tendency to overthink. This week will bring two doctor's appointments; the week after will be three. One of the appointments next week is for Ashton. Yes, folks it's 3 months since we saw Dr Hot Stuff and this week it's catch up time. Just as I managed to get over my " something is bound to go wrong today " negativity, here we go again. Miss Ashton ( touch wood and reaches for bed head) has been well. She looks well, sounds well and feels well. That of course doesn't mean her pretty little brain is doing the right thing but we will take it anyway. She looked very proud of herself yesterday when she pointed out it's been 3 months. And so she should. Three months without incident is huge progress. Let's see what HS has to say about that!



FATHERS DAY in Australia is today September 6 and I would love to especially wish my father and husband a very happy Father's Day. They have both put up with lots over the years and I am eternally grateful for them both.  The girls and I would be lost without them both.

Ten things about my Dad:
1. He is still working as a doctor at age 76.
2. He has an awesome memory for anything that happened fifty years ago but not so much for what happened yesterday.
3. He diagnosed my Cowden's syndrome.
4. He knows every proverb ever written and will test you on your knowledge of them.
5. He is a grammatically, fastidious writer and has sworn not to die till I know the difference between its and it's. ( I do. I'm just testing him).
6. He is the second of eight kids and the only one to leave his homeland of Malta.
7. He is never wrong and on the odd chance he might be, he will spend hours looking for a loophole to make him right.
8. He knows the most random stuff about the most useless topics. Eg he is full bottle on POPES.
9. He can recite the catechism he learnt when he was a very young boy.
10. He used to dislike Australian rules football but somewhere along the years this changed and he became an expert on that too. At the football he knows every player's number!

My Dad is the best!

Till next



  1. Aww, I didn't know that Australia celebrated Father's Day in September. Sounds like you have a pretty awesome Dad!

  2. A lovely post for your dad and hubby just a shame the birds woke you so early. I am so glad to hear Ashton is well, thanks for sharing on #wednesdayswisdom

  3. Ahh what a lovely post. I love that he is still working as a doctor :) he sounds like a very clever and wonderful man :)Thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday

  4. Thank you for sharing with us at #JoyHopeLive!


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