
Showing posts with label Tim tams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim tams. Show all posts

Sunday 20 July 2014


So we are back in our home town in the Midwest for rest and recuperation. Not happy that we have left my youngest daughter in the city alone but she is busy in an acting course and we wouldn't have seen her anyway. But not happy regardless.

Hello house.
Hello bed
Hello my spot ( think Sheldon on Big Bang).
The FED and I are home.

The husband appears pleased and immediately asks what's for dinner. It's a well used joke to which I reply " whatever you're cooking". 

We settle into our favourite parts of the house. The FED occupies zone 1 (couch and TV). I get zone 3 ( my bedroom - bliss!) and the husband gets zone 2 ( kitchen, fridge , kettle and computer). We are generous to each other and share the bathrooms. 

Zone 1 and zone 3 are at opposite ends of the house which can be a problem when you wish to communicate with the other person and refuse to budge on the grounds of laziness. If that other person happens to be a young person recently returned home after multiple surgeries it proves harder.

You could yell out... but the TV will be up or she will have earphones in and wont hear you.
You could phone her but she'll undoubtedly  be out of credit.
You could text her but that seems to be a form of communication dying out with the young. can Facebook her which will guarantee immediate success as not only has her brain been surgically manipulated, but her new iPad ( thank you Telstra) is never far, and I'm starting to think surgically attached to her hand.

As this was a significant question I chose to Facebook. ( when did that word become an acceptable verb????).

Mum: are there any Timtams left?
FED: there's one left.
Mum: could you bring it to me?
FED: I'd have to take it through enemy territory ( zone 2)...could be risky.

True...the husband is renowned for being able to sniff out a sweet treat from miles away let alone a couple of metres.

Mum: you're a secret agent delivering an important package. You're agent Tim.
FED: delivering to agent Tam?...but I'm the boss ok?
Mum: you can be the boss. Just bring me the bloody Timtam before your father sniffs it.

But she persists!

FED: it's a bit like consultant and registrar. I'm the consultant and you're the registrar. I get to boss you around.

And that's where I cracked up laughing because suddenly I realised her consultant is Dr Tim and his registrar is Dr Tan which is too close to Tam to not be funny. 
Timtan a new biscuit,

The biscuit was carried through enemy territory at a fast speed and eaten at an even faster speed, before "he who sniffs out everything" could register... although he knew something was up because I was laughing so much.

It's good to laugh. It's been too long.

Today my girl flies back to rejoin her sister in the big city. It is almost a month since the last surgery and she is still looking so well. I pinch myself every morning and pray fervently for this to continue and for her life to continue to improve.

As Dr Tim says, " we remain cautiously optimistic". 

Till next time

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