
Saturday 31 May 2014


My mother keeps suggesting that the FED writes a children's book. Maybe it could go something like this:
                                        A NAUGHTY BRAIN

Once upon a time there was a young woman called Kate. Unfortunately Kate was not well and had to go to hospital.
A big ambulance took Kate to hospital but Dr Useless said there was nothing wrong with her and sent her home.
Kate was very sad and got sicker and sicker.
Kate's mummy got very worried and took her back to the hospital.
Dr Useless knew better than to mess with Kate's mummy so Dr Cleverboy took over.
Dr Cleverboy said there was a problem with Kate's brain and that she needed to go and see a doctor in the big city.

Kate was very worried but her mummy and daddy said not to worry because the doctor in the big city would fix it.
The doctor in the big city was Dr Papa Bear. He fixed Kate's brain and made her better.
Kate was very happy.
Kate's mummy and daddy were very happy too.

Christmas holidays came and Kate missed her sister who was away on a big aeroplane.
Kate counted down the days till her sister came home and they could play house together again.

Then Kate got sick again and had to go back to hospital.
Kate was worried because Dr Papa Bear was on holidays. Who would fix her brain now?
Dr Hot Stuff and Dr Sexy Pants said they could fix her brain and so Kate let them have a go.
They did a good job but they were worried that Kate would get sick again.
Kate was worried too.

Dr Hot Stuff rang Dr Try to fix it.
He said he would try to fix Kate's brain but he would need to drill a hole in her head.
Kate wasn't very happy about this.
Dr Hot Stuff wasn't very happy about this.
Kate's mummy and daddy were also not happy about this.
But they had no choice.

Dr Try to fix it did his best but Kate's brain was being very naughty.
Dr Try to fix it was so upset he changed his name to Dr Didn't fix it and left the country.

Kate's brain was still being naughty so everyone decided to ring up Dr Hot Stuff again.
He said he would have another go and fix Kate's brain.

Kate was very happy.

To be continued...


  1. Suzi, as ever your forbearance and sense of humour amazes me. Love coffee buddy. Prayers as always.

  2. +Alyssa Auch could hot stuff be a Prince Charming...of sorts?


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